4 EASY Steps To Downsize Your Closet

4 Easy Steps To Downsize Your Closet. This image is a pile of jeans on a chair. It represents a pile of clothes you can get rid of if you follow these downsizing tips!

Before you downsize your closet, make sure you’ve done the downsizing mini challenge to get yourself prepared for what’s to come!

So, you’re moving into a smaller house? A tiny New York apartment? Back to your mom’s basement? A van perhaps? Or you just have TOO MUCH clutter! Follow these 4 EASY steps to downsize your closet!


1. Stop Buying Things!!

You want to declutter but your favorite store is having the craziest sale, what do you do? DON’T BUY ANYTHING! If you are really serious about downsizing your closet, you don’t want to be adding anything new. Focus on what you have now and what you can get rid of. Unsubscribe to any automated emails from retail stores and don’t walk into a store thinking you’re just going to “window shop.” Take away any temptation that shopping might bring you. If a friend asks to go to the mall, counter offer with a nice hike, a movie, a picnic - basically anything BUT shopping! Whatever you do.. just stop buying things.


2. Lay Out All Your Clothes In One Pile!!

Go grab ALL of your clothes from every nook and cranny in your house and lay them in a pile. It can be in the middle of your floor, your living room, or your bed. You NEED to see everything you own in one spot to really absorb how much you have!

Great! Now that you clearly see the amount of clothes you have, picture that pile shrinking to what you wish you had. Repeat some kind of mantra to yourself. My favorite type is the “I am” mantras - “I am downsizing. I am parting with my clothes. It feels good to have a smaller closet. I love being in control of the things I own.”

If this seems overwhelming, try starting with my downsizing challenge. This is meant to be a trial to get you into downsizing.


3. Ask These THREE Questions

You’re doing amazing! Now begins the keep/give process. Take each item one by one and answer these 3 questions.

1. Does It Fit?

If the answer is no, give it away. Simple. Don’t keep anything that you think might fit one day. Don’t keep anything that reminded you of how you used to look/dress. Our body is ever changing, it’s time to learn to love that! Keep the items that fit you and make you feel fierce! Get rid of anything that is uncomfy or hugs the things you’d rather hide! There are sooo many clothes out there in the world, if you’re ready to part with the old you free up so much more space to welcome the new!

2. Can You Come Up With At Least 3 Outfits To Wear It With?

A successful wardrobe is one that you can mix and match - especially when you are trying to downsize! Basics are your friend! I have a black T-shirt that I can wear every day of the week because it is just that versatile. Keep the items that you can dress up or dress down. Pair it with a different jaket or jewelry and it magically becomes something new. Those are the items you want to take with you to your new, smaller wardrobe.

3. Can You See Yourself Wearing It In The Near Future?

Now this is the hardest question. I want you to be real with yourself. Don’t say anything like, “Now that I know I have it I definitely will!” Have you worn it at all in the past year? Have you worn it more than once? This is the true test of how honest you can be with yourself. If it is an item that you get tons of wear out of, then keep it. If it is something that you found hiding on your shelf, or a birthday present you always meant to wear, it is time to say adieu. 


4. Get Rid Of It

At this point, you should have a giant pile, bag or box full of clothes you're getting rid of! Whatever you do, DO NOT let it sit there! If you want to sell your clothes for extra cash, click here to find out exactly how to go about doing it. If not, haul your clothes over to your local charity or goodwill. 

Once you come home, you will be relieved about all the empty space you have. Clearing your space clears your mind!


Now Repeat!

If you thought you were done, surprise! You’re not! To really downsize you must constantly go back and repeat these steps. Keeping your goal in mind of how much you want to downsize, make a plan on how often you need to go through your things. If you are planning on moving to a smaller home within a couple weeks, chances are you need to repeat these steps at least once a week. If you are keeping your current space and just needed clearing, maybe twice a year. 

If you followed these 4 easy steps to downsize your closet, you should be feeling fresh and new for whatever new chapter awaits you! Take a picture of your process and share it with me on social media! I love seeing your guys’ stories! 


Downsizing Mini Challenge


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