
What To Pack For A Hike: Checklist
SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo

What To Pack For A Hike: Checklist

I have searched the internet high and low to make the perfect checklist of what you need to pack on a hike. This list is broken up into clothing, food/water, safety, and items for fun.

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5 Vegan Meals To Make In A Van
SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo

5 Vegan Meals To Make In A Van

Even though I only have a tiny kitchenette, that doesn’t stop me from cooking! As a vegan, it is so exciting to make and find new recipes! Here are my top 5 favorite vegan meals that I make in my van! 

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Sell Your Clothes For Cash
SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo

Sell Your Clothes For Cash

Once I got it in my head that I would be living in a van, I began selling my clothes that I no longer wear. I’ve tried all of the places where you can sell clothes (online and in person), so you don’t have to. I have included all of their pros and cons to help you choose where you should sell your clothes.

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Sell Your Stuff For Cash
SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo

Sell Your Stuff For Cash

Planning on living in a van? Then you DEFINITELY have to get rid of tons of stuff (furniture and knick knacks)! This guide breaks down the best places (online and in person) to sell them.

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Downsizing Mini Challenge
SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo

Downsizing Mini Challenge

If you are looking to downsize but don’t know if you can commit, here is a downsizing mini challenge for you. But beware… it is challenging! If you complete this challenge, you can move on to my 4 easy steps to downsize your closet!

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4 EASY Steps To Downsize Your Closet
SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo

4 EASY Steps To Downsize Your Closet

So, you’re moving into a smaller house? A tiny New York apartment? Back to your mom’s basement? A van perhaps? Or you just have TOO MUCH clutter! Follow these 5 EASY steps to downsize your closet!

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5 Unconventional Ways To Make Money Pre Van Life
SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo SHEGOZ By Kayla Jo

5 Unconventional Ways To Make Money Pre Van Life

When I was in high school, I made a promise to myself. I promised that I would never work at a conventional 9-5 job. My goal since I was young was to choose my own hours and be my own boss. So far, I have stuck true to that goal. Here are the top six unconventional ways that I make money pre Van Life!

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